How Yoga helps with acceptance of my height
Accepting Me
For ever since I can remember I have been ashamed of my height. As far back as infant school I remember being picked to play Angel Gabriel because of my height. I didn't want to be angel Gabriel, I wanted to be a little cute lamb. I think I equated being small with being loved more, even at that young age. I remember looking at Barbi Dolls and feeling a sadness because they were skinny and blonde and of course small.
When you are tall it seems to be the first thing people relate to you as. And therefore treat you in a certain way. I remember this being very confusing. People would automatically assume that I was capable and responsible. I tended to get the blame for things more. The only answer to me was be small. Stay small. Then people would be nicer to me. The irony of that. Being so tall and feeling so small. This was stuffed into the subconscious suitcase and carried around daily with negative effects to my posture, the relationships I chose, the jobs I chose, the way I dressed, the way I spoke.
But, when you make decisions based on fear they always turn out badly as I have discovered. Its so important to be yourself. Thats when I discovered Yoga.
I have been practising for 4 years now. My first teacher was and is wonderful. After a few sessions she messaged me and asked me if I had ever thought about becoming a Yoga Teacher and I immediately said yes. I loved learning about it all and find the journey so fascinating. It has not been easy. I have suffered from immense fatigue for a number of years. I am pleased to say I am standing tall. I am probably 2 inches taller now. I am teaching classes for the last couple of months and getting lovely feedback. I am feeling happier in accepting myself for who I am and that is the greatest gift. Namaste :)
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